Maximize security and efficiency with just in time access to Cloudflare Administrators. Reduces vulnerability risk, ensuring optimal cloud protection.
Skip to the Entitle integrationJust-In-Time (JIT) access is a cybersecurity feature that determines when and how users can access specific areas of a system. It functions by only granting necessary permissions to users when needed and for the shortest amount of time required. The main goal of JIT access is to minimize the threat of cyber-attacks by reducing the potential exposure of vulnerable systems and sensitive data.
1. **Enhanced Least Privilege Access Enforcement**: The just-in-time access model promotes the principle of least privilege by ensuring that administrators are only granted access permissions when it's needed and for the exact duration it's needed in Cloudflare dashboards. This limits potential exposure of privileged actions and reduces the risk of unauthorized access to critical resources.
2. **Reduction in Insider Threats and Human Errors**: By utilizing just-in-time access and privilege escalation, it significantly mitigates risks associated with insider threats and human errors. An administrator's account can't be misused if it doesn't have privileges beyond the required tasks, thus mitigating chances of internal security incidences.
3. **Improved Operational Efficiency**: Just-in-time privilege escalation allows administrators to perform their roles efficiently as they are given enough privileges to achieve their tasks in real-time. This eliminates the need for elevated permissions by default, reducing the time taken by authorization processes and increasing operational efficiency.
4. **Simplified Compliance Auditing**: Using just-in-time access makes auditing simpler and more transparent, as each access request, approval, and session becomes auditable. This can assist in accurately demonstrating compliance with various industry regulations around permission bookings and use, making it an essential feature for any organization bound by compliance and regulatory guidelines.
1. Rapid Response to Cyber Attacks: Just in time access allows Cloudflare Administrators to quickly respond to threats or incidents, such as a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, by providing immediate access to necessary controls without the need for permanent full access rights.
2. Temporary Project Assignments: If an administrator is temporarily assigned to a project requiring higher-level permissions, just in time access can be granted for the duration of the project, ensuring that access is revoked once the project is completed.
3. Routine Maintenance and Updates: Just in time access can be used during routine maintenance and updates, providing administrators with the access necessary to perform tasks and then revoking it once the tasks are complete, minimizing the risk of compromised credentials.
1. Planning.
2. Implementation.
3. Maintenance.
By adopting this structured method, you'll be capable of implementing an effective Just-in-Time Access system for Cloudflare efficiently.
Entitle provides self-serve access requests, flexible policy workflows, and automated provisioning, to restrict unneeded access across cloud infra and SaaS.
"I like Entitle because it’s one of those tools I can set up and forget about. I never have to go into it and it just works."
Mike Morrato
CISO and Global Head of IT,
Noname Security
Cloudflare Administrators company is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services. The company's services protect and accelerate any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Cloudflare is headquartered in San Francisco, with additional offices in London, Singapore, Champaign, Austin, Boston and Washington D.C.
Entitle is how cloud-forward companies provide employees with temporary, granular and just-in-time access within their cloud infrastructure and SaaS applications. Entitle easily integrates with your stack, offering self-serve access requests, instant visibility into your cloud entitlements and making user access reviews a breeze.
Manage your users' on-demand and birthright permissions, all from one place.